27 January 2008


> My boyfriend came to visit the chicken-pox-victim-sick-girl :)
Thanks so much ya hon, really really didn't expect it at all :))
(Well actually, he should be the one who would be surprised on yesterday, but
hiks, the plan didn't work at all due to my sick..)
And today, he really really got me surprised!!! *big happy smile*

> Our former president Soeharto died today..
Please have my deep condolence...

24 January 2008


Happy New Year 2008!!!
New Year = New Hope = New Spirit, agree??

Malam pergantian tahun gw lewatin di rumah tante gw di Cinere. Hujan deres bgt!! Sempet bete karna hampir sejam ga ada satupun taxi yg dateng dan keujanan, tapi teteup berkesan.. Yg bikin berkesan sih ya itu the fact that me and my boyfriend terlantung2 di jalan nungguin taxi, hihihihih... dan apalgi kalo session fireworks-nya.. Gila deh om gw, rela buat ngabisin duit demi kepuasan kerlap kerlip di langit.. Taun depan juga ya, om, hueheheheh...

Trus karna work load di kantor lagi tinggi, jadinya selama 2 minggu lembur mulu..
Dan alhasil, skarang gw 'terbaring lemah' *hiperbola* di rumah karna kena cacar..
Iya, iya, hari gini masih kena cacar?? Sori ya, gw dah disuntik, vaksin, apalah namanya dulu, tapi tetep aja kena juga, huhuhuhu... Mungkin karna kecapean kali yaa... Gila juga ya ni penyakit, nyiksa bok!! Mending gw ngeblog deh daripadi ngegaruk, hehehehe... Ini dah mulei kering sih, smoga scepatnya bisa kering dan ilang tanpa bekas yaa...
Karna kena cacar ini, rencana gw yg matang buat weekend ini bisa hampir dipastikan gagal deh, hiks hiks... Smoga gw bisa mikirin plan B nih yg ok nih :)

Anyway, gw tadi ntn Oprah dan ceritanya ttg mantan gubernur New Jersey yg 3 tahun lalu ngundurin diri karna ngaku kalo dia gay!! Gila juga ya!! Padahal dia pernah nikah 2 kali (dengan perempuan tentunya) dan punya 2 anak.. Well.. well..
Tadi bintang tamunya si istrinya ini.. Kasian bgt yaa!! Tapi salut bgt deh buat ibu itu, bisa tegar dipermalukan kaya gitu...
Mmmhh, moral of the story yg bisa gw ambil: we have to be extra careful trusting & loving someone with our heart... Emang bener ya kata orang tua, kalo cinta ama orang jangan terlalu berlebihan, jangan 100%, karena if something happens, we can still build ourself and stand up again..

Ga kerasa juga udah mau akhir bulan nih..
But no worries lah ya, we still have 11 months to go to pursuit our new goals, resoultion, etc.. We have a vision for it? Then walk on.. Grab our chances and hopefully we can achieve all of those, k? Good luck, guys :)

Be careful what you wish for
coz you just might get it on
you just might get it on..

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